ProfileTailor™ LicenseAuditor

SAP License Optimization and Prepare for Audit

Your SAP Licences represent a huge investment for your company. Maintaining optimum usage of your licences can therefore eliminate unnecessary wastage of unused, underused, duplicated or wrongly classified licences, or conversely it will ensure that you are not exceeding your licensed capacity. A substantial pressure is also the resource and time required to perform your regular SAP audit.

Optimize your SAP Licence Assets

ProfileTailor™ LicenseAuditor is a powerful, end-to-end solution enabling organizations to optimize their SAP licenses to maximum efficiency, both for named user licences and SAP engine based licences. The system, available as on-premise, in the cloud, or as a service, will analyze the actual transaction usage of your SAP users to provide you with a full and detailed understanding of what SAP licence classification each user actually requires to perform their job. It will also tell you what user accounts are underused, misclassified or dormant.

Typical savings in SAP licensing: 50%-90% per reclassified licenses, 15% on overall maintenance fees, up to 50% on SAP license management resources

Automated Reclassification according to Usage

Reclassifying your licences (through SAP Licence Administration Workbench - SLAW) and providing a detailed audit report to SAP is taken care of completely automatically by the software, saving as much as 90% of the time required to perform an SAP audit..

Fast and Pain-Free Audit Preparation

Installed externally to SAP, LicenseAuditor is up and running within 2 days as either an on-premise solution, fully hosted cloud solution, or as a one-off inspection, audit and optimization service offering. There is no quicker way of maximizing your SAP investment, staying compliant, and reducing the amount of effort associated with your SAP licence audit.

Ongoing Controls and Management of your Licences

Subsequent to optimizing your SAP licence usage, LicenceAuditor will provide ongoing SAP licence asset management to ensure that your licences are optimally classified. The system will also provide detailed financial insight such as ongoing SAP costs per business region or departments. along with engine license usage versus your contract.

Indirect Access Licensing

LicenceAuditor can also help to determine potential Indirect Access Licence exposure owing to the connection of 3rd party systems into your SAP landscape. Such system connectivity and usage could be highly costly if not correctly identified and managed.

Introducing SAP Licence Optimisation and Audit as a Service   

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Key Benefits

Automated identification of dormant, underused, misclassified and duplicate accounts across different systems and applications, including real-time graphical and statistical presentation of SAP license utilization

Learns each user’s behavior patterns on a continuous basis and recommends the best suited licensing plan accordingly

Can determine usage and optimimum classification of Named User Licences, Engine Licences and potential Indirect Access Licence exposure

Delivers unique methods for license inspection such as measuring activity amount, type of usage and fully customizable activity groups

Quick and Easy production of detailed licence usage reports

Enables enterprises to control both current and future SAP usage and licensing costs

Provides licence modelling for exploration of optimized models

Installed externally to SAP, no need for SAP expertise

Available in the Cloud
Available On Premise